1 minute read

I used the following script to install OnlyOffice Document Server into a Debian 11 Bullseye LXC container.

This was tested with ds:example and from a nextcloud instance as well.

I created this installer after this failed tutorial

This script uses the default config and passwords for everything, which makes me suspicious about the debconf calls not being properly applied during installation.

Another possibility is that my PostgreSQL install did not run well (I was getting DB errors from OnlyOffice). I tried reinstalling PG and rebuilding the DB, but that didn’t solve anything. It could also be that OO is not compatible with PostgreSQL 15 (I was using their repo).

When asked during the install, the postgres password is onlyoffice.

Note: OO 7.2 now has JWT enabled by default, and it also creates a random JWT token if you don’t provide any. This makes it a bit safer even with the default config. I am calling documentserver-jwt-status.sh at the end to show the JWT token (you need to use this token into your nextcloud instance for example).

The initial version of this script is missing some steps that may or may not be desirable

  • Create a non-root user
  • Reconfigure timezone data
  • Reconfigure locales data
  • Install Windows Vista TTF fonts

Note: After installing fonts into the system, you need to tell onlyoffice about it

sudo /usr/bin/documentserver-generate-allfonts.sh

To reconfigure

# reconfigure timezone
sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

# reconfigure locales
sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
# NOTE: you will only get the default language in terminal after rebooting

For some reason the rabbitmq installation failed when I ran these dpkg-reconfigure calls before the installation script. Running afterwards was fine, but seems like the documentserver installs locales-all, which makes the locales step irrelevant


Clear your browser cache

I was getting a weird error in Nextcloud when choosing fonts. Scrolling to the end would show 3 “empty” fonts and totally break the interface, even making the file not editable and displaying an error message. I noticed that this was not happening in the ds:example app, so I cleared my firefox cache and reloaded the Nextcloud page and document and all was fine.
